Friday, September 14, 2007

Delivery part 2

Didn't realize yesterday that this would be a two part post....Remember the UPS story from yesterday? (If not scroll down and read Delivery). Well turns out I stayed home sick today and around 10:30 my doorbell rings. I ask who it is, knowing it is UPS, and get the forecasted answer. I buzz him in and wait...I make sure that the PJ's I am wearing are suitable for answering the door in....they are...I wait some more...Finally, wondering if I let in someone elses UPS guy (or a psycho killer) I throw jeans on and head downstairs just in time to see the UPS truck pulling away from the light at my corner.
What the fuck? No package in the lobby, none on the stairs. So I head back up and just for curiosity poke my head around the corner on the second floor (I live on the third floor)....Yup, there at the exact apartment below mine is a UPS package leaning up against the door. I creep up to it (though why I am creeping in the middle of the day I am not sure) and pick it up. The box is a little tattered, but there it is - my name and my apartment number, which clearly states I live on the third floor not the second.
So I guess, according to the rules at UPS, if the package requires a signature you must first leave a note and the second day you must be buzzed in by the correct receiver and then leave it at the wrong door.


dikstrong said...

JJ,what a life - just turned 27,
dont want to have children, and now those delivery men. I use Fedex. And to be honest about it, I like your free flowing style of writing. I wish I could write like you. If you are free and got nothing to do as yet, try visiting my blog. It is an adult oriented commercial blog, and as of now it tackles the subject about women's sexual cream and the importance of a man's size in relation to sex. I will appreciate any input from you. Here is my site-

Robguy said...

One of the places I lived in Madison was a little culdesac - I was lucky if they even found my place - I generally had to pick it up at the main office.