Monday, October 20, 2008

When else do you get to be Judas?

Hopefully everyone out there got to have a good, relaxing weekend. As Fall draws its cloak tighter around the neck of the Midwest we have fewer and fewer opportunities to get out and enjoy even the hint of sunshine before snow covers us all. Myself, I got in a little Target and some amazing football watching (please tell me someone else out there saw that Bears game?!). I also got to go to a dinner party for a friend. Now this was more than just an average, hey let's eat good food with good company kind of party. This was a Last Supper kind of thing for a friend who is leaving the country in the next month. The best part? Since it was a Last Supper, I got to be Judas.

Yes you read that correctly. Judas. I even went so far as to wear a "Hello my name is" name tag with the betrayer's name scrawled in the nice white box. It was awesome. The whole thing started when the evite went out. Themed as a Last Supper, I said I would only go if I got to be Judas (my knowledge of religion is not so hot but I had just finished Lamb so the name was at the top of my brain). Not thinking I would go through with it my friend said sure....little did she know I have a desk drawer full of blank name labels just waiting for these types of things.

So I showed up, dressed pretty fancy if I do say so myself, with my name tag slapped across the front of my shirt. Half the group got it and thought it was hysterical (for they had read the evite and my reply). A few people might have been offended, though they didn't say anything. Probably the best part however was the other half of the group that had no idea why I was wearing it and they didn't say a thing! They were all very nice, but they still were walking around like I was the weird crazy person in the corner. It was pretty freaking hilarious. And I got to spend the whole evening letting the hostess know that now was not quite the right time for betrayal, but she should expect it at any moment! The evening devolved into alcohol induced laughing fits (and learning to speak Mexican) until the very end when I tried to leave.

By this point I had been joined by Jesus (the hostess) and Moses (she said he was an apostle, I said sure). Moses's boyfriend decided that we needed to take a picture of the Last Supper - problem being was we only had 9 people left. So he went down the hall and dragged back a previous party guest (some poor guy trying to do homework at 12:30) and we googled up an image and went to work. The fact that we dragged this poor kid back and we still didn't have 12 didn't seem to bother the budding photographer and after about 15 minutes we finally got some semblance of an image staged. Our last supper however included 10 apostles, pouring a bottle of water into a wine glass half filled with red wine (over and over and over), an eggplant (apparently to represent the bread) and me behind Jesus with a red plastic butter knife. All that plus I'm pretty sure we are all in various stages of laughing hysterically in every shot. I have no idea how they turned out, but if I get a copy I'll make sure to post it.

1 comment:

Robguy said...

If I'd been there I would have brought a roll of nickels so I could throw 30 pieces of silver at you! (was it 30?, I don't remember, I would have looked it up but since I wasn't there, I won't look it up). I love a themed dinner party. The Host a Mystery games are great fun.