Friday, May 16, 2008

100 posts

According to my sign in page I currently have 99 posts...I wonder if that counts the dozen or so drafts that I never got back to? Either way "Happy 100 to me!"

The madness of my life is over for now and thank you to everyone who put up with me this past month while work was getting crazier and crazier. We did a smashing job and now I have time to breathe again, in fact I did such a stellar job that the boss let me take today off - and I'm going to use it the best of my ability. It's going to be in the 70's today here in the windy city and the brief outing I had this morning to forage for coffee from the deliciously staffed Beans and Bagels on Rockwell proved to be delightfully warm out at 9 am. I have since come home, dragged out my picnic blanket from the back of the closet and will be venturing out around noon for some Wells park lounging and reading. It's going to be great.

The weather is warming up which always puts me in better mood - the adventures of the past 24 hours haven't hurt either. Sorry folks, no sordid details on the blog on this one, I learned my lesson the hard way last time. Plus this is so far from conventional, regular, or typical that there really is not much to say except yes, that is a big old smile you see on my face.

The world around me? Let's see, Edwards has come out for Obama but the rumor is his wife hasn't (though since I haven't had time to read an article longer than 2 paragraphs long I'm not sure how much validity that rumor has). And honestly when I heard the news I wasn't too impressed - this election season has sucked the life out of me and I just want it to be done with an end result of McCain losing. California has overturned the gay marriage ban - which is about damn time, I have no room in my heart, ideology or belief structure for a culture that writes into its laws a ban on love based on the gender of the individuals involved, it's just fucking stupid. The polar bear has been moved to the endangered species list and the Tribune ran an article on Thursday with the saddest/most adorable picture of said polar bear on the front page. I wish I would have remembered to clip it and hang it on the fridge (those of us without kids have to improvise refrigerator art).

Coming up - my favorite camping trip of the year, Spring Fling, complete with bloody mary church service on Sunday, horseshoe tournaments, and late night whiskey. A girls night out with some of my favorite former co-workers. The formation of a kickball league in which I plan on sitting on the sidelines with a book and witty commentary. Public Enemy reuniting for the Pitchfork festival (please someone say they will go to this with me!). Half day Friday's for the summer. My best friend from high schools 30th birthday. A possible trip to Atlantic City (which I learned you can't actually fly to oddly enough, the closest can get me is somewhere in Pennsylvania and then I have to rent a car). My 2 year anniversary in Chicago which I believe necessitates a party or a new tattoo, or both.

I'm off to enjoy the sunshine - hope everyone else is having a fantastic day (and I also hope you all go see Iron Man, trust me it's worth it)

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