Thursday, August 9, 2007

A great way to start the day

So I do have a post debate summary in the works but at 5:15 last night it disappeared. Got up, followed the second star to the right, and flew away never to be seen again, so I'm taking a break from it and will come back to it later today. So for now I would like to share the entertaining start to today that I had...

Running late I get on the train one stop north of my usual point of departure (I'm dog sitting) and settle into my single chair. All of a sudden I feel my phone buzzing in my purse. "Oh no, this can't be good" I think. Who would call me at 7:30 in the morning unless something is wrong. So I pull out my phone and see that I have a text message. The following is the back and forth conversation I had that pretty much took me all the way to work this morning (all misspellings left intact)....

Coworker's message: Been waiting 4 a bus 4 25 min am prolly gonna be late. Pls sit at my desk and pretend to be me, thanks

My reply: Sure, but i just got on the train myself so not sure what good i'd be :)

Coworker: Oh dear! 1st one to work is a rotten egg!

Me: You're on!

Coworker: Finally a bus! Why did u sell ur car? U cld be giving rides

Me: Ah yes, silly, silly, me. How did you know it has always been my dream to be a chauffer?

Coworker: Hey no sass it is too Gargamel* early! Tee hee I slay me.

Me: Tehehe! I think that is the first time i have laughed out loud on my morning commute, thanks! And then my day started....

* Gargamel was a phrase I used with a group of friends when I was younger as a replacement for "god damn". I don't know how it started or why, especially since I was not allowed to watch Smurfs when I was a kid, something about the fact that there was only one Smurfette for the whole village of male Smurfs went against everything my mother believed in regarding equality and rights for women....

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