Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Theme Songs

Learning that I have the ability to blog from my phone will most likely both increase my blogging frequency and greatly reduce the point and relevance of my posts. Sorry about that.

Today's random thought for all of you is this, I personally have never seen the cult classic Twin Peaks, but after just being a witness to the intro and theme song (and a bit more of the episode) I am distinctly left with a feeling that I want to shoot myself in the foot so I can leave and not watch anymore.

I know its wrong to judge on the song, especially 3 or 4 episodes in, but is this show worth it? (if it helps in any advice giving I am leaving now to go home and watch another episode of Buffy which I'm watching for probably the 3rd time through)
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1 comment:

Robguy said...

I loved Twin Peaks and for many years "Fire Walk with Me" was among my favorite movies. I should probably watch it again.