Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What do you wonder about?

Sometimes I sit and daydream about how much money I would be able to make if I sold off everything I own. I'm talking everything here folks - the bed, the movies, the books. Everything. All the way down to a stack of less than 10 books and a duffel bag of clothes.

Then I dream about taking my 10 books and my duffel bag of clothes and hitting the road. For where I don't know. For how long I don't know. Just going. Taking the money I've earned and living as cheaply as possible until it's gone. Seeing what I can as far as my available transportation can take me.

And I wonder in these dreams what I would do. Who I would meet. What I could become. But then my alarm rings, or a car honks, or a co-worker stops by to give me something and I'm brought back. Brought back to the white institutional inspired walls of my office. Brought back to the noise and the grit of the city around me. Brought back to my empty apartment. And the dream gets shelved. Shelved until I get another 10 minutes of silence to wonder.

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