Friday, April 24, 2009

A tiny little book update to start your weekend

I just went to my own blog page and saw that it still says I'm reading Heart Shaped Box, which by the way I finished what feels like ages ago. Yet instead of going to the layout or settings or whatever back end section of this thing I go to to update these things I decided to write a blog post about it. Hmmm. Not the most efficient use of time, but too late now.

So I've finished Heart Shaped Box so long ago I don't think I can give an accurate review. I do remember liking it, good little horror story with an interesting premise. Guy obsessed with death orders a suit online and a ghost comes along with it. The tale that spins out of it is intriguing, enough to make me read it pretty quick if I remember right.

Since then I've knocked back a bunch of others but since sadly I haven't been keeping track here on this blog so I can't really remember what. I know I did read Enrique's Journey which was fantastic and I think everyone should go out and get it now. In fact I think it should be required reading in high school as well. Who really needs more Brave New World anyway?

I also knocked back a bunch of comic books on a recent bus trip to Madtown. Including Marvel 1602 and the third volume of Buffy.

Right now I'm reading World War Z. And I'm freaking loving it! I've seen it around a bunch on the train and in coffee shops and finally broke down and bought my own copy a few weeks ago (only to realize later that boyfriend owns it and I could of totally borrowed his, ah well I've now done my part to help keep bookstores open). If you haven't had a chance to read it yet I highly recommend it. Just now googling it to get a link I saw an IMDB link that says it's being made into a movie! That should be interesting.

So that's what I've got for today. It's a gorgeous day in the windy city and I hope wherever you are you get a chance to get outside and enjoy. My final thought for the day (totally unrelated to books) is a line from a blog post from a friend because some day I also hope to be "a woman so magnetic she fucks up compasses"
Cheers world.

All links brought to you today by sources other than Amazon

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