Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goodbye Wisconsin

2 years, 3 months, and 11 days. This is how long it took me to relinquish my Wisco drivers license. Even after it expired on the 22nd of last month, I held on. But today armed with all the precious forms of identification that you are not supposed to lose or take out of your house, I wandered into the downtown DMV at 8:15 a.m. to officially declare that I Live In Illinois!

The whole process took just over an hour. The test (written only thank the gods) wasn't too bad and I only got 3 wrong after browsing the book for 20 min. while in line. The guy took my picture twice, the second time asking me to remove my glasses, and I still look like the walking dead, but I am officially now a resident of this great state. I don't know the bird, or the flower, or even when it became a state, but hell I don't know if I knew any of that about Wisco either.

It feels a little weird to officially claim myself as an Illinoisian. And I haven't really looked at the ID, just shoved it back in the wallet. I'm guessing I will pull it out later and examine it fully. For now though I can sit back and silently smirk that I have finally become a FIB*

Oh! And I registered to vote too. Good Times.

*For all my non-Wisconsin readers out there a FIB was what Wisco drivers referred to Illinois folks whenever we found them on our roads - genius that it is, it stands for Fucking Illinois Bastard.


schmidlap said...

The official Illinois bird is what we flip at cheeseheads.

Welcome to the team. Say it with me: Packers Suck.

Gradual Instant said...

Funny thing is I've been saying the Packers suck for almost 2 decades - somehow I think it was more fun when I actually lived in Wisco...I'll miss the angry revolt I would get from folks