Thursday, October 18, 2007

Just a few bits of news to get that song out of your head

A day on the front page of the Chicago Tribune tells me this about the world....We are still senselessly killing each other and ourselves. Just when you thought that stupidity and hate were reserved for those obviously less educated then yourself, life smacks you in this face with this guy (complete with disturbing quotes, though the one about not reading the Bible might have some weight to it). A smoking ban I'm actually okay with since it makes sense and I don't spend a lot of time at the beach - my only question is can I get busted walking down the sidewalk next to a park? Cause that would suck. And the article that will hopefully keep a smile on my face for the rest of the day. Now I can stop the internal debate over the ethics of stealing (thanks Will!) and just get my Stewart for free.

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