Sunday, October 21, 2007

In the midst of

I'm in the midst of reading two books at the moment while waiting for my next two graphic novels in the Fable series to come in, yes I am a dork, I know. First is Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. It's the true story of how her and her family took themselves off the commercial food grid for a year. It's amazing, disturbing and enlightening. It makes you want to eat locally and organically, but it also makes me realize that with absolutely no cooking skills whatsoever, it will be a difficult task for me. I need to find a boy that cooks.

Second is Final Exits by Michael Largo. I found it on Bookcellar's website and it is fantastic. Basically it is an encyclopedia of the ways in which we die. And it's illustrated. I just finished Apple Cider (182,904 E. coli deaths since 1930, and in 1996, E. coli from unpasteurized apple cider killed 34 people), next up is Appliances.

I also just rediscovered the joy of Green Day's music. Old school style with the Dookie album. So far Sassafras Roots is my favorite.

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