Friday, August 14, 2009

For this to work I need to stop telling everyone about it

So I find myself all over the Internet these days, blogging, tweeting, facebooking (is that a word yet?) and while I find it satisfying I also find I am missing out on one of the major attractions to this whole online personality game. The anonymity. Everyone who reads my rambling knows who I am. For the most part this is fine, and let's be frank here folks, there is not a lot of you out there. But there are most definitely rants I have and things I want to shout out into the universe that I could not have any of you know. There are the private thoughts that need to escape or you might explode. The 140 character version of PostSecret. It's what the damn Internet was made for.

But to do this I would have to go and create a whole new set of twitter accounts and neglected blog addresses under an alter ego, and I would have to work at actually keeping it alter. I'm not sure I can remember that many passwords. I'm not sure I can be that creative.

So I guess for now I'll just keep screaming these things inside my head. It's not as fun, but it is sort of working for the time being. And if I do get around to creating another me, I promise I won't tell you about it.

1 comment:

Robguy said...

I'd still love you no matter what you ranted.