Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Art and promoting good websites.

I added a link in my blog roll that is not exactly a blog so I feel there should be some explanation. In fact, it's not a blog at all. My friend (the guy half of the couple that just got married actually) has become a pretty damn good photographer lately. So good in fact that he's got his prints up in a few businesses in Bend, Or., has been invited to art shows to sell his work, and now has created a website to showcase and sell the pictures.

I have an original of his (well three in one frame) that they sent me for my birthday last year before this really took off the ground and I love it. I'm also helping him craft his bio section on the page, if I can stay awake long enough after work to put real thought into it. If you are into nature photography, or know someone who is check out his work. If nothing else it is a beautiful break to a smoggy Chicago day.

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