Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moving Day!

This moving thing in 158% humidity sucks. That plus the fact that I'm old, fat, and lazy probably doesn't help much.

After a long, stressful, drawn out process I finally got the keys to my new place at around 11 o'clock last night. A wonderful friend who was with me did a power move of about half the stuff in my back two rooms in about 15 minutes and we left the rest for today.

So I set my alarm for my usual work wake up time and by 7:30 I was hauling boxes. By 7:50 I was already sweaty and exhausted. This should be fun.

I've set the pace at about 15 minutes of moving and then sit for 5-10 to regain my breath. I really need to utilize this gym membership I keep paying for. I've got friends scheduled to come move the big stuff around noon and I'd really like to have most of everything else done by then. I even have a friend that offered to come over on his lunch break. Seriously, my friends kick ass.

I've already taken one break to cancel my internet (yay for free highjacked wi-fi to write this!), move my Com-Ed service, and change my address. Now I've used this break to write this. I guess it's back to the grind.

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