Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A random view into my office

I figure since you all can't be here to share with me the joys of my office I would try and randomly bring you episodes as I interpret them. Enjoy. Or mock. Or ignore. Whatever you want to do, for me it gave me 10 minutes away from my spreadsheet so I enjoyed writing it.

And in today's email in-box we find.....

Dear useless member of our team:

While looking through the database I came across a record that is wrong and decided to research what the rest of the file said. Upon discovering that the types of addresses were listed incorrectly instead of simply changing them from the simple drop down box in front of me I have constructed this irrationally long email explaining step by step what I did, what is wrong, and what I want you to do (which is go back into the record I am still probably in and change the types using that handy drop down box).

Your Luddite supporting supervisor

....Okay, so maybe I am overreacting here from a simple email request (at least it wasn't printed out and brought to me this time), maybe it's time for me to let it go, but crafting these blog posts about it are just so much more fun!

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